
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Watermelon dosa / Kalingan Polo

We get lot of sweet watermelon during the summer season. But who knew that the white part of the watermelon- which lies between the red juicy part of the watermelon and the green skin, could be used to make dosas. Every time we ate a watermelon, my mom would make these dosas the next day. She would also give it for my tiffin. In college, all my friends would enjoy them as much as I did. To get the white part scoop up as much white part as you can after removing the red juicy part. Its alright if it includes some of the red part as it will impart red color to the dosa.

2 cups rice
1/2 cup grated coconut
white part of the watermelon
2-3 fenugreek seeds
1/4 teaspoon salt


Soak rice and fenugreek seeds for 5-6 hours. Grind the rice, fenugreek seeds with coconut and white part of the watermelon. Don't add much water as the white part of the watermelon contains lot of water. Add salt and mix well. Oil a pan or tava and spread a thin layer of dosa. Cook covered for a minute. Now flip the dosa and cook uncovered on the other side. Serve with butter and honey, or dry chutney or with ambule gojju.

Preparation time: 30 minutes excluding soaking time
Serves: 3-4